フロイド・ランディスの告白、一部真実が判明 ー ランスが現役時代UCIに寄付金

先日、ランディスが落とした爆弾発言メールの中には、こんなくだりがあった。「2002年:。。。 ランスは、ツール開幕1月前のスイス一周で勝つ際に、EPO陽性となり、ランスとブルイネールがUCI本部に飛んでいき、フルブルッヘン(当時のUCI会長)と資金提供の合意をした。陽性判定をもみ消すために。(下記は先日リンクを貼ったランディスの告白全文サイトからの引用)

2002:He later, while winning the Tour de Swiss, the month beforethe Tour de France, tested positive for EPO at which point he and Mr Bruyneel flew to the UCI headquarters and made a financial agreement with Mr. Vrubrugen to keep the positive test hidden.


My understanding, without having examined the full detail, is that during 2002 Lance Armstrong and Johan Bruyneel visited the UCI headquarters in Aigle [Switzerland]. It had just opened in April 2002, it was some time after that. They got a guided tour of the centre. They were impressed by what they saw and Armstrong offered $100,000 to help the development of cycling.


(Asked about allegations that the UCI was paid off in a bribe)" Absolutely not. No. That is the other thing, if you get into it. Obviously we’ve seen the email and that is not correct. But a lot of other things in the email, the timeline is off, if you go year by year."
